Patient Information
Easy access to your health records puts you in control of decisions regarding your health and well-being. You can monitor your health conditions better, understand and stay on track with treatment plans, and find and fix errors in your record. The resources and videos below will help you understand your rights under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and will show you how to work with your providers to get, check, and use your health information.
Tom Coulson
NY Primary Care embodies the concept and the benefits of a Community Based Medical Home. They put the patient first because it is the right thing to do.
I represented the first biologic treatment for allergic asthma. It hadn’t been previously marketed to Primary Care due to its complicated process of approval. NY Primary Care immediately recognized its value to patients suffering from allergic asthma. It was refreshing to see a medical practice not just looking for simple solutions, but digging deep to understand. That extra effort and care allows them to provide a patient experience rivaling the large hospital owned medical groups but with the personal touch of a small private practice.
NY Primary Care and the Chabla family lead with compassion and kindness in a time when patients can feel like the product, not the customer.