
A primary care physician and specialty services and affiliations are essential to help you navigate to a life of good health and a strategy to stay healthy; preventing disease by identifying risk factors; coordinating and managing chronic disease care for longevity and a better quality of life.

NYPC Specialities

Family Medicine: Medical speciality devoted to comprehensive healthcare for people of all ages.

Internal Medicine: Speciality dealing with treating, and diagnosis of internal diseases. 

Gastroenterology: Treats disorders dealing with digestive system. 

Cardiovascular Diseases: Treatment relating to improving the health of the heart to prevent the risk of heart disease which is the number cause of death in the United States. 

Pain Management:  We use different pain management techniques like a weight loss regimen, acupuncture, exercise, yoga, meditation, physical therapy, dietary changes, or chiropractic care to help relieve pain for our patients.

Diabetes: We help with the treatment of type 1 diabetes involving consultation of lifestyle changes, monitor blood sugar levels, medications, and insulin.

Obestetrics & Gynecology: We take care of women during their pregnancy, birth control, and menopause. 

Urology: We provide antibiotics for infections, hormone treatment for prostate cancer, PDE5 inhibitors for erectile dysfunction.

Lab and Diagnostics: We take samples of your blood, urine, and body tissue in order to determine if something is wrong.